27 players have been signed up for this competition as of 11:52 PM Wednesday 5th February
Manuel Bujan Varela (17.8) |
Delroy Cook (22.6) |
Harry Coulter (35.4) |
Paul Davidson (19.0) |
John Evans (35.1) |
Nicholas Fisher (28.1) |
Simon Fisher (20.3) |
Terry Fitzsimmons (27.7) |
Andy Hardy (36.3) |
Derek Hollidge (20.7) |
Mick Howes (18.7) |
James King (20.8) |
Richard Luckhurst (18.5) |
John Mansi (23.9) |
Keith Mehew (38.8) |
David Norton (31.7) |
Willam Osbourne (30.0) |
Pat Patel (31.0) |
Pradyumn Patel (35.2) |
Martin Prowse (23.8) |
David Roberts (27.9) |
Michael Ross (31.3) |
Dave Sellman () |
Ikhlaque Ali Shah (23.4) |
John Taylor (19.6) |
Keith Williams (18.7) |
Tom Williams (20.7) |